Wednesday 13 February 2008

Richard Layzell Performance Workshop

I was looking forward to this workshop as I'm feeling a bit frustrated by the lack of dance on this Screendance course. I know that's not the aim of the Masters but I do miss moving and feeling physical so I was glad when this workshop came up. The workshop covered a lot of things I've done before and I didn't really feel like I learned anything new to be completely honest but it was interesting doing these exercises with people from a different discipline, people not so comfortable or used to being physical and performing. This also meant that the group had different ideas and a different dynamic to anything I had experienced before which was interesting to work with.

We pulled together a number of short pieces today to produce 25-30 minutes worth of a performance which we performed in front of around 20 people from different courses and year groups. The performance seemed to go fairly well but without any audience feedback it was difficult to tell.

Running Order

Meet & Greet - will the audience receive a warm welcome, nasty or neutral?
Herding & Circling - the audience become the herd and are physically moved into a darkened room before witnessing 2 performers circling a table lamp.
Humming - the light is turned off and the performers begin humming which leads into Spanish song.
Set of Rules - see below and try it for yourself.
Sleigh - various performers are pulled around the space on a blue wicker sled.
Thrilling, Willing and Unstable (or as I renamed it, Thrilling, Unwilling and Stable) - Jonny lies on the floor under a board, I tap dance directly above his head.
Exit - the audience are lead to the bus stop.

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