Tuesday, 29 April 2008

Project Y

YDance has asked to produce a DVD of their performance project, Project Y, this summer. The DVD is to include an intro section featuring interviews with dancers and clips from rehearsals and classes as well as documentation of the live performance itself.

It's a relief to get some work for the summer as well as the opportunity to make contact with the choreographers working on Project Y and, of course, all that young talent.

Thursday, 24 April 2008

Mini Makeover

The FireBox website has had a mini makeover this weekend with slicker page views and online videos. I'm trying to monitor how quickly the videos are streaming on different browsers and connections so please let me know what you think of the waiting time. The videos will open up in a new page so feel free to browse through the rest of the site while you're waiting.

FireBox website

Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Hey GI!

I've been working on Glasgow International festival's viral video team this week going to exhibition launches and parties to capture the atmosphere in short video clips. They specifically asked us to use basic equipment and make our clips quite candid, guerilla style.

It's been a good way to get around the festival and has meant that I've seen a lot of exhibitions that wouldn't have necessarily interested me otherwise - some of them still don't!

The high profile works, Jim Lambie, Catherine Yass, Wilhelm Sasnal, etc, were the ones which have grabbed all the press attention but I really wasn't convinced by Sasnal's piece. The idea was good and very provocative but it just didn't really seem like an interesting final piece.

Ceryth Wym Evans piece at The Local, however, really got me going. It's a film projected onto 3 mirror balls positioned so that every now and then there's an 'eclipse' and people are suddenly aware of the darkness which then draws them into the piece more. The Local isn't set up like a gallery space, it's a bar with art. The art isn't obvious so when Evans piece draws you in you then start to notice the other works around it and to me that's much more interesting.

Thursday, 10 April 2008

No One by Preshur

I finished a first version of the piece last Thursday and in my excitement I burnt off 6 copies and posted it to Right Track without first checking with Rowan that she was happy with it. Of course, there were a few little things that she asked me to alter so I'd wasted 6 DVDs but luckily she was understanding and laughed off my eagerness.

It's a lesson learned for next time though. With the exception of DOG, all my previous work has been for myself so I haven't had to check it with anyone else before finalising the project. I'm glad I made the mistake with Rowan as I've known her for years and not someone else who would maybe see it in a different way.